31-year-old Dominique Newburn’s body was found Tuesday afternoon in her blood spattered Fontana home after police responded to a domestic disturbance call. According to officials, Newburn's front door was open and officers discovered the 32-year-old dead in the main living area. Newburn had "sustained trauma and was pronounced dead at 4:38 p.m.,” the San Bernardino County Coroner said.
Witnesses told the Fontana police department they saw a shirtless male leaving the apartment in Dominique's vehicle. The suspect was described as Black, in his late 20s to early 30s, 5 feet 8 inches tall, with an average build. The car is described as a black, four-door 2004 Mercedes C240 sedan with the California license plate 7AAY925.
Dominique was know to be on YouTube channel "Hollywood Houseboys," a show about transgender and gay friends living in California.