
Citizens Sign Petition For Congress To Revoke Tax Exempt Status of NFL

The NFL escapes federal corporate taxes because of their non-profit organization status.

Wait What?

Yes, the National Football League- makes over $9 billion per year including everyone's salaries from the practice squad to the front office. The Commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, makes nearly $30 million a year, earning more than the heads of companies like Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart.

The MLB and NBA organizations, gave up their non-profit status years ago, so why can't the NFL do the same?  So what does that mean for us? The citizens of each city have to pay taxes on new stadiums and maintenance of the grounds, among other city regulations.

Some citizens are furious about this and have taken a petition with congress to revoke the tax exempt status of the NFL. The petition was started Saturday on CHANGE.ORG and has reached almost 200,000 signatures so far.

To learn more and join the campaign visit the link Change.Org NFL Petition

