
Hollywood stuntman Roy T. Anderson, known for his stunt work in popular films like "Spiderman," "Bourne Ultimatum," and "American Gangster," goes behind the lens to direct his first film “Akwantu: The Journey.”
When we think of Black history in America and beyond, the Atlantic Slave Trade and the Civil Rights period crosses our minds. Rarely, do we hear about captives fighting back in our history books and rising from oppression, defeating the "New World" system. Today many have argued that the slave trade separated families, causing severe damage to the roots and heritage of Black Americans, making it difficult to trace their true ancestry.
In the film, Roy was determined to find his ancestors. He takes you on his journey through Jamaica and Africa, as he attempts to trace his family roots. During his search, Roy discovers he is part of the Maroon's ancestry also known as Jamaica’s “freedom fighter’s.” After watching the powerful and insightful documentary, I had to ask Roy a few questions on his intentions for making the film and his feeling on why the historic importance of the Maroon's story have been ignored until now.
Besides being of Maroon heritage, why did you decide to make this film?
Roy Anderson: It started as a family research project. Being in the film industry and knowing about certain film audiences, I thought it would be natural to bring Maroon to a larger audience.
The Maroon were enslaved Africans who fought for 80 years to win their freedom from the British Army. Why make a documentary about the Maroon's and not take a nonfiction approach, making it a feature and focusing on the events in history? Do you feel the documentary has more of an impact?
Roy Anderson: Making a feature is the next proble step in the process. I wanted to build awareness to the topic first. People have a hard time dealing with the dark pages of history so I thought a documentary would be a good place to start.
How long did the film take to make?
Roy Anderson: The entire process took about three years. I funded the project on my own and went back and forth a lot.
During the film, you spoke about the Maroons being very protective of their heritage and culture, even taking necessary precautions to keep out the mainstream media like BBC, that came to Jamaica to document your ancestors. Why do you feel that the Maroons are so apprehensive with sharing their heritage with the rest of the world?
Roy Anderson: They are not very trusting of outsiders, if you look at the history, the British would send fellow Africans to spy on each other pretending to be runaway slaves. These individuals would then bring back information to the British on hideouts and other secret Maroon information. BBC was filming in a sacred area on Maroon land without permission and the locals physically destroyed their equipment.
With the knowledge you have now, why do you feel that Maroon history has not been taught in American schools, like the Haitian revolution or the Atlantic Slave trade?
Roy Anderson: We are too inward thinking, we have to open up and look at other stories outside our boarders and treat them as important as we treat our own stories.

The problem of awareness is in Jamaica too, as they teach world history in their schools as well.

What obstacles did you face while obtaining information for your film? Were there documents essential to your project that you could not find?
Roy Anderson: Gaining trust of the locals in Africa and Jamaica, even though I am Maroon and have family in Jamaica it was still difficult. Certain government agencies were not helpful or forthcoming with information. In the end I was able to find what I needed to complete my project.
Going through your experience in Ghana talking with the locals and seeing the slave dungeons, what about the heritage is well preserved by the people? Are they influenced by popular culture?
Roy Anderson: From my perspective, the people were very proud and communal. Popular culture is very persuasive, you see the blue jeans and McDonalds. Traditions are hard to get rid of and I see it over there.
With the two peace treaties of 1738 & 1739 between the Maroons and the British, no other Africans enjoyed such a degree of freedom in the new world. With you speaking with the officials and locals, what concerns do they have with their government today?
Roy Anderson: Within the community there are some problems with interest in prospecting for mining from multi-national companies.
In the film you found your uncle’s birth certificate along with other names. What information did you find essential to tracing your roots back to Africa.
Roy Anderson: The first place to start looking is genealogy websites. The Church of Latter Day Saintsfamily history centers provided me with a wealth of information as well, and thats where I found my uncle's birth certificate. Dr. Concord Fuller and I put together a discussion guide located on my website to help others interested in starting their own search.
You were able to trace your roots to the 1700’s, do you feel it was slightly easier for you to find your ancestors because most of your heritage is in Jamaica?
Roy Anderson: It was not easy, my evidence is part research and part the oral tradition. I cannot find step-by-step evidence that traditionally links my roots in Africa.
When can we watch the film?
Roy Anderson: The DVD releases May 31st. The film will also be shown at the District of Columbia Caribbean film festival for American Caribbean History Month.
What do you expect your audience to get from the history of the Maroon's?
Roy Anderson: I think they will be presently surprised after watching the film. I want my audience to feel a sense of pride. I hope they get inspired and I feel that it can be very positive feelings as they move forward.

"Akwantu: The Journey" is the first of its kind. No other film until now has shown a side of history where Africans gained their freedom through fighting and resilience, during a time when it seemed impossible. Because of its significance, the Jamaican government officially selected this film to participate in the historic 50th Anniversary of Independence Celebrations in 2012. Check out the trailer for the film "Akwantu: The Journey" below. If you would like more information on the film, you can join the discussion on their Facebook page.

